Celtic Myst
CUPÁN OF FLÚIRSE Forged by the gods, the Cupán of Flúirse is born under the thunder of Taranis, fashioned with symbols of the elements to bring peace and abundance to the de Danann clans. Element of the air, Amergin is a faithful protector and guardian. Through the years, he’s guided the other elements and reigned over times of peace, prosperity, and royal births. However, the witch Mourdra, is plagued with jealousy over the clans. They hold dear all she desires…and has been denied. The fire dragon and Klenidalf, an evil wizard are tasked to do her bidding, to plunder the clans…and steal the Cupán of Flúirse. Aibell Brid, heir of the de Danann clan will need more than courage to find the lost relic of her clan. When the time comes, will she be ready to face her greatest enemy? With protector and guardian, Amergin, she plans for battle, honing her skills, preparing for the day she can reclaim the Cupán of Flúirse. Amergin knows that knowledge is power and strength is in numbers. But he must also trust in the words of Gaylord the Great when he speaks of: A prophecy, a final epic battle, and a mystery revealed. Amergin will know when the time is near. With Aibell and a force of brave, trusted souls, they will face the witch, destroy her dark forces and reclaim the Cupán of Flúirse. To fulfill the prophecy, the Cupán of Flúirse needs to be returned to its rightful place, the Tomb of the Tuatha de Danann. However, through the centuries the location has been lost. Amergin is again entrusted with the responsibility to guide the de Danann’s to fulfill their destiny. On their mission, Gaylord the Great foresees they will encounter three foes in order to reach their destination. To find the lost tomb, they must travel in darkness in increments of three. They must survive battles with their nemesis and make their way across Inis Fail on foot and horseback in six dark moons. Amergin discovers sometimes the most important quests sought in the future, must be accomplished in the past. 5+ stars for Celtic Myst:
The Complete Trilogy by @foxx_ml "Celtic Myst: The Complete Trilogy is a brilliant epic fantasy from start to finish... The world-building is exceptional and truly transports the reader... If you’re looking for your next epic fantasy to binge-read, pick up Celtic Myst: The Complete Trilogy. Highly recommend!" Read the full review... |